(Audrey Samson + Francisco Gallardo)
Their backgrounds include computational culture, critical technical practices, post-colonial and critical feminism, performance, design and space system engineering. They develop forms of art-led inquiry into the multiples scales of power, governability that flow through physical and cultural landscapes. Their practice is currently focused on exploring forms of slow violence and death embedded in, for instance, the entanglement between archiving practices and technical objects, the diminishing negantropism of global trade, systems of production after erasure, and alluring myths of ecological cosmopolitanism.


FRAUD is the trading name of
L(" *O * ")IIIL .*. ': * '* LTD
Company number: 11552309

276 Oak Square
ACME Studio 203
SW99AW - London

i: @la_fraud
t: @FRAUD_la

else AT fraud . la




#machinelearning #prediction #weave

Finis-terra is art-led inquiry into the subjection of terrestrial sense data and movements to mathematical formulae, which investigates the complex ecological, political and economic impacts of satellite pattern recognition software.



#self-determination #finance #affordance

_Whitepaper playfully hijacks the use and format of the white paper to examine its affordances with regards to the ideology of financial self-determination.


Carbon Derivatives - a fore(s)taste

#boreal #greentrading #forestry

Carbon Derivatives explore the collision between the forest as a storage resource of carbon, the boreal forest's disappearance and emission trading systems (ETS). USNEA lichen in East Fennoscandia is a disappearing species that problematises the management of industrial forestry in Finland. While the efficiency of industrial forests is heralded by such bodies as Metsähallitus, validating the move to increase production and cutting down of trees, some incalculable elements have escaped the equation. The Usnea lichen, more widely known as beard moss, grows on the bark of trees in old growth forests, providing food for reindeer in winter. The post World War massive clear cutting in the north and subsequent forestry is a scarification leaving Finland with approximately 5% of its old growth forest. Calculations have deemed industrial forests more efficient in terms of carbon sequestration, and consequently enriches Finnish economy with carbon credits. In addition, forestry growth provides jobs and fuels many byproduct economies. How are forests calculated? Which forms of knowledge are privileged in this discussion? What is deemed an acceptable compromise/sacrifice? How does one begin to discuss the simultaneous cultural livelihood and destruction of a nation?

This project is an art-led enquiry that is taking shape in food-led events and performative installations.

The project has received the support of the British Council and Helsinki Artist International Programme (HIAP).


Shrimping Under Working Conditions

#FTZ #brownshrimp #commercialextinction

Shrimping under working conditions is an inquiry into what mutated forms of death are emerging with neoliberalism's financialisation of life, which took shape in a series of fishing workshops and lecture performances. When we are confronted with capital's failure to fulfil resource exhaustion, a model of conservation by dispossession might emerge. Thus, we argue for opening such discussions beyond a biological or geological frame into equally violent forces that are nevertheless materially situated, such as finance, computation or planning. In order to address some of these newer and subtler degrees of death and extinction we dissect the critical territory of the brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) as it flips between commercial (albeit not yet biotic) death in the ex-fishing grounds of the South End (UK), and the social death embedded in (in)human labour-power of the ex-processing factories of the Special Economic Zones of Tangier and Tetouan in Morocco.

This project is an art-led enquiry that took shape in food-led events and installations.

The project has received the support of the Wellcome Trust and the Empire Remains Shop.


Dreaming in tongues/舌頭/langues/ةنسلأب /tunger

#borders #memory #invasive #Madeleines

Dreaming in tongues/舌頭/langues/ةنسلأب /tunger is a tasting performance collaboration between Fran Gallardo (artist), Nathalie Bonnot (pastry chef), and Audrey Samson, that explores the link between memory and digestion (through taste). At the height of the EU migrant crisis, special Syrian, Hong Kong, and Danish Madeleines were designed in order to expose the geopolitical issues related to ingredients from so called ‘invasive’ species. The performance reflects on the borders which are currently being reified in Europe. The project was commissioned and presented at Kunsthal Aarhus in Denmark.


Let them eat cake!

#DNA #Facebook #datastorage

Let them eat cake! is an edible counter-imaginary of your Facebook profile. In early 2012, Facebook conducted massive scale emotional contagion by manipulating the emotional expressions in the News Feeds of 689,003 users. This exemplifies how the governability and the biopolitics of everyday life flow through the many layers of shared images, liked videos, protocols, and hyperlinks, all orchestrated by the Facebook News Feed algorithm. The cake is made with synthetic DNA encoded from a user’s Facebook profile data. The profile's data categories (Ad Topics, Facial Recognition Data, Friends, Followers, Likes, and Political Views) are transposed into cake layers, with an absurd twist that reflects the algorithms agency.


Goodnight Sweetheart

#surveillance #dataafterlife

Goodnight Sweetheart is a data and device embalming service. As data fornicates, replicating at quantum speeds, multiplying our traces, sold to the highest bidder or even leaked for free, this project proposes a digital data funeral, an attempt to escape 'datafication' in the form of a ritual of deletion. This ongoing research into rituals of data erasure has taken shape in installations and participatory events in which visitors are invited to cast their data in resin, irretrievably crystallising their memories in a relic for them to take home.


reading room


#posthuman #glossary #exe

FRAUD contributed to two entries, "Execution" and "Static Glow" in the Posthuman Glossary .

Commercial Extinction

#exhaustion #slowdeath #FTZ

FRAUD's contribution "Commercial Extinction: The Exhaustion of Exhaustion" in The Empire Remains Shop, discusses the technosocial assemblages that constitute this condition.


Let them eat cake!

#DNA #Facebook #datastorage

"Let Them Eat Cake!" in C&C '17 Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition, 428-429. New York: ACM, 2017.


Executing Practices

#exe #erasure #shrimping

This collection brings together artists, curators, programmers, theorists and heavy internet browsers whose practices make critical intervention into the broad concept of execution.


Datafied Research

#datafication #hongkong

This newspaper edition seek insights into the logics of data flows between materials, things, data, code, software, interfaces and other stuff that permeates the cultures of datafication. Articles 'Erase.all' by Audrey Samson and 'Data Disobedients?' by Fran Gallardo. [PDF]



Fellowship at HBK Braunschweig begins!
[Braunschweig, DE]

💶€uro-Vision💶 workshop at Arts Catalyst
[London, GB]

Terra Analytica: The Field has Eyes, the Forest has Ears in Fault Lines: KABK Research Symposium at the Royal Academy of Art
[The Hague, NL]

Presenting Euro-Vision at the assembly Extractable Matters
[London, GB]

Chair of Death, Dying and Digital panel at the Wellcome Collection, part of 'Misbehaving Bodies' with Oreet Ashery
[London, GB]

Goodnight Sweetheart in Love After Death
[NewCastle, GB]

Residency at Arts Catalyst
[London, GB]

Politics of Perspective workshop & talk curated by Magda Tyzlik-Carver at the School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University
[Aarhus, DK]

Risk Related residency at RADAR
[Loughborough, GB]

Spectres of Landings residency at CAA (Contemporary Art Archipelago)
[Seili, Finland]

Goodnight Sweetheart in FAST FORWARD TO THE ANALOGUE: VINTAGE IMMERSIONS, curated by Elena Papadaki
[London, GB]

The right to happiness in Foodhack exhibition at ACC (press in Korean + video)
[Gwangju, KR]

Terra Analytica presentation at End-of-the-World Trade: On the Speculative Economies of Art and Extraction conference in Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths
[London, GB]

💾Datafied Topologies💾 presentation at the Asia Culture Center
[Gwangju, KR]

Residency at ACC Asia Culture Center
[Gwangju, KR]

🦐Commercial Extinction🦐 performance and workshop with Prof Rodger at CCA: Centre for Contemporary Arts
[Glasgow, Scotland]

Vapes recipe 🌾💨🌾 from Talking Dirty! included in Laura Plant’s ‘Still Waters, still’ — EcoFutures launch
[London, GB]

Subface Topologies workshop with Goldsmiths MFA cohort
[London, UK]

Predictive Gaze study session at Nottingham Contemporary
in the Calculative Environments series programmed by Theo Reeves-Evison [Nottingham, GB]

📡📡📡📈📈💰Euro-vision; or the Making of the Automated Gaze💰📉📉📹📹📹 showcase at the Somerset House Studios
[London, UK]

Marchandage Politique a workshop in MAGMD at LCC (brief)
[London, UK]

Euro-Vision Workshop at the Somerset House
[London, UK]

Post-Rural Carbon Ecologies at the Whitechapel Gallery
[London, UK]

Field trip to Morocco, as part of Euro-vision, or the Making of the Automated Gaze

Audrey joins the Art Department at Goldsmiths, as joint head of the Digital Arts Computing programme, and lecturer in Critical Studies with The Automated Gaze seminar.

Finis terra on show at the European Investment Bank
[Luxembourg, LU]

Landscape leakage workshop at the Design Museum
[London, UK]

Carbon rifts in Complex Value$ exhibition at the Somerset House Studios
[London, UK]

_Whitepaper in Rethinking Affordance exhibition curated by Ashley Scarlett and Martin Zeilinger + symposium.
[akademie schloss solitude, DE]

In residence at the European Investment Bank
[Luxembourg, LU]

Residency at @ Helsinki International Artist Programme (HIAP)
[Helsinki, FI]

Goodnight Sweetheart in Granular, at the Stephen Lawrence Gallery, curated by David Waterworth
[London, UK]

Landscape Leakage a workshop in MAGMD @ LCC (brief)
[London, UK]

Terra Preta - Terra Obscura. On Earth Grabbing, Forest Deserts (and Desserts), and Black Gold. 🌲 🌳 🌴 A genealogy of yet another carbon derivative talk at Onsite Gallery
[Toronto, CA]

'Récupération' exhibition at Centre des arts de Shawinigan
[Shawinigan, CA]

Carbon Derivatives in
Palazzo Trevisan degli Ulivi [Venice, IT]
A discussion around the affective and contentious powers emerging from green trade.
ATARAXIA programme PDF

Goodnight Sweetheart in Non-Compliant Futures
exhibition, at Never Apart Gallery [Montreal, CA]

Goodnight Sweetheart in Emotion + the technology
exhibition, opening at the Austrian Culture Forum [London, UK]

Design Diplomacy in Helsinki Design Week
at the British Ambassador’s residence [Helsinki, FI]

Shrimping Under Working Conditions in 'A New We - A Multispecies Think Tank' exhibition, opening at Kunsthall Trondheim
[Trondheim, NO]

A fore(s)taste at the Helsinki Design Week
at Galleria Sinne [Helsinki, FI]
A food-led event investigating the collusion between industrial forestry and carbon markets. Join us for discussion, forest oriented sweets and cocktails.

Let Them Eat Cake! served for Microbites
at the ArtScience Museum [Singapore, SG]
Serving up steamed lapis counter-imaginary of your Facebook profile. Made by the amazing Tiong Bahru Galicier Pastry.

FRAUD Selected as Helsinki Design Resident 2017

FRAUD selected residents at the Somerset House Studios

What does Europe want to see? part of 'El Borde de una Herida'. An exhibition curated by Juan Guardiola, opening at CentroCentro
[Madrid, SP]

Execution Practices book launch at Transmediale [Berlin, DE]

Dégustation Amère performance The Empire Shop Remains [London, UK]

Shrimping Under Working Conditions presented at Open Fields Conference [Riga, LV]

Shrimping After Working Conditions workshop [Leigh-On-Sea, UK]

Datafied Research: Capture Weather - A Talk About the Weather & Capture Things [Berlin, DE]